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Organic roasting with character


"With the greatest dedication, I roast high-quality, organic green coffee from the best coffee-growing countries in the world. A lot of time, experience and creativity go into all of my roasts. Exploiting the full flavor potential of each bean is my calling."

Mr. Werner is a passionate roaster.
His actions are guided by the longing
for an ecologically responsible
full and socially just life.
Therefore, the roasting master pays attention to the
entire journey of a coffee bean on
Partnerships that reflect his philosophy
and share enthusiasm: for high-quality
Coffee that is fair to people and the environment.

Mr Werner green coffee beans are therefore
all organically certified, sustainable
grown and fairly traded. In his
small roastery in Oberalm near Salzburg
he refines this carefully selected
Specialty coffee in gentle long-
time roasting and developed sophisticated
Roasting profiles.

They underline the different
Flavors of the country of origin
and make Mr. Werner Kaffee a
distinctive product.


For Mr. Werner and his coffee, calm and thoughtfulness are paramount at every moment. Each bean is carefully sorted, each variety is slowly refined in the drum roaster. From the harvest to the cup, Mr. Werner focuses on mindfulness and the highest quality. This is how Mr. Werner creates coffee for all the senses.

Only buys the best beans of a harvest
Mr. Werner from coffee partners around
around the equator.
the coffee beans from organic farming
not only taste good, but also fulfill
Mr Werner’s demands for fairness and

The high-quality green coffee
of the world is traditionally served at home in
cast iron drum roaster slowly and
prepared gently. The process
The long-term roasting process allows each individual
Coffee bean its unique profile,
low in acid and particularly easy to digest.

Mr Werner can always
intervene in the process to taste
and aroma optimally.
Because Mr Werner knows: Coffee needs
the right feeling.


As soon as Mr. Werner starts his craft, the magic begins in the roasting room. He is curious, an adventurer with character - just like his zebra in a tailcoat. As an explorer and tinkerer, Mr. Werner breaks with habits and ventures beyond his comfort zone when roasting to create his unmistakable specialty coffee.

Coffee is one of the most aromatic
Food in the world and also a
Natural product whose taste is
can vary from harvest to harvest. For a
Explorers like Mr. Werner are the inspiration

With enthusiasm and passion
he experiments with the roasting profiles.
To do this, he retreats to his roasting room
and develops a
own profile that reflects the individual
character of the coffee is emphasized.

This creates diverse, extraordinary
Roasts from chocolaty to fruity,
from fresh and tart to full-bodied
and mild – whether for one of the various
Mr. Werner varieties or as individual
Roast creation.

Certified coffee

Mr. Werner buys his coffee without compromise according to qualitative, ecological and social criteria. The coffee beans all bear the organic seal. The roasting master deliberately refrains from further certifications, as they are only of limited significance.

High quality

High quality is essential for a distinctive taste experience. Mr. Werner sources specialty coffee in organic quality. This stands for high-quality coffee with special flavor profiles that arise from the growing regions and the respective climate.

Best possible transparency

Mr. Werner's green coffee beans are 100% traceable. It is also important to the roasting master to effectively support local projects to increase quality and productivity in order to secure the income of the producers and to verify this on site if possible.

Fair purchase price

The best quality has its price, which is why Mr. Werner pays above average for his unique coffee. People and nature benefit from the better pay: coffee farmers are empowered to continuously improve the quality of their harvest and invest in sustainable cultivation methods.